Nov 7, 2013

M A H O N E Y . M A N O R

I'm so glad Jeremy talked me into still throwing my halloween party.
I was feeling really overwhelmed with everything and knew another couple was having a halloween dinner that same night.
 BUT lets be honest-small parties are way more fun
AND our apartment is itty bitty.

To say we had fun is an understatement.
We really missed some important people though
[collins & holts] 

We kicked the night off with soups and witch fingers,
[brooke's pumpkin soup served from a pumpkin was amazing!]
yummy salad, dirt in a cup, ooey gooey fruit dip, pumpkin bars, 
cake, & of course, witches brew.
We played the fork and dice game
[INGEBRGTSEN'S WON-taking home the movie Contagion]
and did the doughnut thing-when you eat them off a string[CHASE WON]

and of course I forgot to take pictures of everything before the party started so these are the best you get!



{P A R T Y   A N I M A L S}

  {A N G E L  &  S U N  D E V I L} 

{M E X I C A N  &  B O R D E R  P A T R O L}
[with a home grown mexi-stache!]
 {W E R E  W O L F}
he was so excited to make his own fangs that he asked
for special permission to make these in school.
[oh, and don't forget about that chest hair! haha]

{S U P E R  L O U I E}
[FOR THE RECORD: it was jer's idea to dress louie up]
I had extra fabric from my 
little red riding hooding cape
so I decided to just whip one up for louie too 
 {O U R   F R O N T   D O O R}
I spy with my little eye...
Does anybody else see it?
[so crazy that it melted like this! mind blown]

{T H E  M A H O N E Y ' S}
I REALLY wish we had a better photo of the three of us!
We had such a fun night and loved the company! 


  1. i love your blog so much!! looks so fun and i love your costumes!!

  2. Love the decorations! Adorable!!

  3. oh my gosh so cute! you are so creative. we miss you guys!
